Friday, June 4, 2010

SURFACE : A film from underneath

SURFACE : A film from underneath from TU+ on Vimeo.

Visually, Musically, artistically attractive peace of video, wish i would be able to do something with the same qaulity soon, this is what i really love, combination of aftereffects and real video footage. Don't get me wrong, i adore all these kinds of works, but what i really love to do is to have the mixture of them not just animation or just video footage.


CCTV Ink from on Vimeo.

Another magic from Aftereffect, this kind of ink effect which seems to be very common this days, adding it to video footage. One of the things i like about it is, the color theme, which you can not see too much colors but still atractive. as i said simplicity.

Fight Like Apes - Tie Me up in Jackets from Eoghan Kidney on Vimeo.

I am totally obsessed with this style of work, therfore i would try my best to make something similar to it for my last project, probably not using the same technic which would be really time consuimg. I really like the painting style of moving pictures which makes you feel you are watching somebody's dream.

specifically about this one, it seems kind of messy which i dont like.