Friday, June 4, 2010

SURFACE : A film from underneath

SURFACE : A film from underneath from TU+ on Vimeo.

Visually, Musically, artistically attractive peace of video, wish i would be able to do something with the same qaulity soon, this is what i really love, combination of aftereffects and real video footage. Don't get me wrong, i adore all these kinds of works, but what i really love to do is to have the mixture of them not just animation or just video footage.


CCTV Ink from on Vimeo.

Another magic from Aftereffect, this kind of ink effect which seems to be very common this days, adding it to video footage. One of the things i like about it is, the color theme, which you can not see too much colors but still atractive. as i said simplicity.

Fight Like Apes - Tie Me up in Jackets from Eoghan Kidney on Vimeo.

I am totally obsessed with this style of work, therfore i would try my best to make something similar to it for my last project, probably not using the same technic which would be really time consuimg. I really like the painting style of moving pictures which makes you feel you are watching somebody's dream.

specifically about this one, it seems kind of messy which i dont like.

Friday, May 28, 2010

World Expo - Happy Street

World Expo - Happy Street from The QBF on Vimeo.

AfterEffect! and wonderfull things which you can do with it. I've always been interested in visual aspects of my environment from my childhood, adding kind of movement and energy to images and colorfull objects flying around always makes me happy, so by watching this clip i just felt happy althouhg i still should say that i am not a fan of 3D works, as i think there is lot of 3D going on this one.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


stady from OHASHI_Takashi on Vimeo.

I love it because it's colorful, strong colors but it had been used in a way which is really smooth and doesn't bother you at all, and how beautifully is synched with music. It's really amazing how music can completely change the feelings.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Butterfly Messiah

Butterfly Messiah from Murat Pak on Vimeo.

i've never been intrested in 3D works, but this one really grabed my attention, again as i mentioned in my last post, i love simple and elegant works which gives you the greatest feelings just by powerful visual and musical combinations.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Fully Flared Intro

Fully Flared Intro from K05T0N on Vimeo.

This is great, simple and elegant, makes you feel one of them, i really love the simplicity. one of the most important elements is the music which makes it magical.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Sunday, April 25, 2010

La Boite Concepts.

I am not sure about the technic which is used in this clip but it's a nice peace of work for sure

USA Network Branding

imaginary Forces "USA wanted their on-air identity to have a strong connective tissue, something that would unify the look of the whole network. The goal of the re-brand was to find a way to visually embody the network's commitment to a character-driven identity."

Having and interaction with animated element which had been added later to the live action footage, harmony between cuts in video and music beeps, short and effective.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Storymakers main title

First of all this is the style of work which i really love and theres is couple of reasons for that, first of all because it's hand drawn art works which makes it interesting for me, althouhgt digital artworks are really common these days i still thinks the work that is done by hand and is more exciting.

Another eye catching element of this opening sequence for me are the transitions between different scenes which are really at the right time and right direction that very smartly leads our eye from one to another.